Apple-ously Funny: 100+ Jokes About Everyone’s Favourite Fruit

Are you looking for a good laugh? Do you love apples? Then you’re in luck because we’ve compiled a list of over 100 funny jokes about apples that are sure to make you smile. From …

Are you looking for a good laugh? Do you love apples? Then you’re in luck because we’ve compiled a list of over 100 funny jokes about apples that are sure to make you smile. From puns to one-liners, these jokes are perfect for anyone who loves apples or just enjoys a good laugh.

Why did the apple go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well! That’s just one example of the many hilarious jokes you’ll find in our collection. Whether you’re a fan of Red Delicious or Granny Smith, there’s a joke in here for everyone. So sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh your way through the world of apple jokes.

Jokes about apples have been around for centuries, and for good reason. Apples are a staple fruit in many cultures and have been used in everything from pies to ciders. But they’re also the perfect subject for a good joke. So if you’re in need of a little pick-me-up, grab an apple and dive into our collection of funny apple jokes.

Adam and Eve’s Apple Antics

Apples have been a part of our lives since the beginning of time, or at least since Adam and Eve’s famous apple incident. The story goes that Eve, tempted by a serpent, ate from the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and then convinced Adam to do the same. But what kind of fruit was it? The Bible never actually says that it was an apple, but the apple has become synonymous with the story.

The Apple of Discord

The story of Adam and Eve’s apple has been told and retold countless times, and it’s no wonder why. The apple has become a symbol of temptation and sin, and the story of Adam and Eve is a cautionary tale about the dangers of disobedience. But did you know that the apple has a long history of causing discord?

In Greek mythology, the goddess Eris threw an apple inscribed with the words “to the fairest” into a gathering of gods and goddesses, sparking a dispute that eventually led to the Trojan War. And in Norse mythology, the goddess Idunna was the keeper of the golden apples that kept the gods young and immortal.

The Forbidden Fruit

The story of Adam and Eve’s apple has become so ingrained in our culture that it’s easy to forget that it’s just a story. But the idea of a forbidden fruit is a powerful one, and it’s one that has been used in literature and art for centuries.

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, for example, the young lovers compare their love to a pair of star-crossed apples. And in the painting “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch, the apple is depicted as a symbol of sin and temptation.

But despite its reputation as a symbol of temptation, the apple is also a symbol of knowledge, health, and vitality. It’s no wonder that the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” has become so popular!

In conclusion, the story of Adam and Eve’s apple has had a lasting impact on our culture, and the apple itself has become a symbol of both temptation and knowledge. Whether you prefer your apples baked in a pie or sliced up for a snack, there’s no denying the importance of this humble fruit. So go ahead and take a bite – just be careful not to get yourself into any trouble!

Doctor and Dentist Apple Jokes

An Apple a Day

As the old saying goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But what if the doctor is an apple? Here are some hilarious apple jokes that will make you laugh out loud:

  • Why did the apple go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well!
  • What did the doctor say to the apple? “You’re the apple of my eye!”
  • Why did the apple go to the doctor? Because it had a bad core!
  • What did the doctor say to the apple who had a bruise? “You’re not looking very a-peeling!”

Dental Delights

Now let’s move on to some apple jokes that will make your dentist smile:

  • Why did the apple go to the dentist? Because it had a filling!
  • What did the dentist say to the apple who needed a crown? “You’re the apple of my tooth!”
  • Why did the apple need braces? Because it had a bite problem!
  • What did the dentist say to the apple who had a cavity? “You need to brush up on your dental hygiene!”

As you can see, apples can be both the problem and the solution when it comes to visiting the doctor or dentist. But no matter what, they always make for great jokes.

Did you know that apples are actually good for your teeth? They are high in fibre and water, which helps to stimulate saliva production and wash away bacteria. So, next time you’re at the dentist, be sure to tell them your favourite apple joke to brighten their day.

In conclusion, whether you’re visiting the doctor or the dentist, apples can provide some much-needed comic relief. So, go ahead and share these jokes with your friends and family to spread some laughter and cheer.

Apple Jokes in the Kitchen

Are you looking for some good apple jokes to share with your family and friends? Look no further! We have compiled a list of over 100 hilarious apple jokes that are sure to make you laugh. Whether you are an apple lover or not, these jokes are guaranteed to brighten up your day.

Let’s start with some classic apple jokes. What did one apple say to the other? “You’re the apple of my eye!” Why did the apple go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well. What is an apple’s favourite math problem? “Apple Pi!” What do you call an apple that’s not an apple? A pineapple!

If you’re a fan of apple pie, we have some jokes for you too. Why did the apple pie go to the dentist? Because it needed a filling! What did the math teacher say to the class about apple pie? “Pie are not square, they are round!” Why did the apple pie go to Paris? To get a slice of the Eiffel Tower!

Speaking of pies, have you ever tried an Egyptian apple pie? It’s a pharaoh dish! And if you’re a fan of honeycrisp apples, we have a joke for you too. Why did the honeycrisp apple go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little crabby!

But let’s not forget about apple juice. Why did the apple juice go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little run down! And if you’re looking for a healthy snack, try some apple slices with salad dressing. It’s the perfect way to celery-brate!

If you’re feeling adventurous, try making some apple puff pastry. It’s the perfect way to impress your friends and family. And if you’re feeling really daring, try making a pineapple apple turnover. It’s a fruit-filled adventure!

And let’s not forget about apple cider. Why did the apple cider go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling well! But don’t worry, a little honey and cinnamon can fix everything.

In conclusion, whether you’re a fan of gala apples, granny smiths, or honeycrisps, there’s an apple joke for everyone. So go ahead, share a joke with your friends and family and make their day a little brighter. Good-pie everyone!

Apple Jokes for the Geeks

Are you a computer geek who loves apples? Then, this section is for you. We’ve compiled a list of apple jokes that will make you laugh out loud. From computer jokes to math jokes, we’ve got you covered.

Computer Jokes

What did the apple say to the computer? “Stop staring at me, I’m a fruit, not a screen saver.”

Why did the apple go to the doctor? Because it had a virus.

Bookworm Jokes

What lives in an apple and loves to read? A bookworm.

Why did the apple stop in the middle of the road? Because it wanted to check out the library.

Math Teacher Jokes

Why did the math teacher eat an apple? To keep the doctor away with a healthy dose of pi.

What did the apple say to the math teacher? “You’re the apple of my i.”

Onion Jokes

Why did the onion break up with the apple? Because the apple was too core-ny.

What did the onion say to the apple? “You’re the apple of my cry.”

Look Round Jokes

Why did the apple look round? Because it wanted to be a pear.

What do you call two apples next to each other? A pair.

Apple-colypse Jokes

What would happen if there was an apple-colypse? We would all be in a sticky situation.

Why did the apple go to the psychiatrist? Because it had multiple cores.

NSA Jokes

Why did the NSA agent eat an apple? To keep the doctor away with a healthy dose of spy-rits.

What did the apple say to the NSA agent? “You’re the apple of my i-spy.”

Protein Jokes

Why did the bodybuilder eat an apple? To get a core-tical dose of protein.

What did the apple say to the bodybuilder? “You’re the apple of my eye-ron.”

Investor Jokes

Why did the investor eat an apple? Because it was a fruit-ful investment.

What did the apple say to the investor? “You’re the apple of my stock portfolio.”

Now that you’ve read all these apple jokes, you’re ready to impress your friends with your apple knowledge. Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a good laugh keeps the doctor at bay.

Apple Jokes in the Big Apple

As the saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But what about a hundred apple jokes? That’s sure to keep you laughing for days! And what better place to enjoy these jokes than in the Big Apple itself, New York City?

If you’re taking a bite out of the Big Apple, you might want to check out the famous Hungry Caterpillar sculpture in Union Square Park. This sculpture is based on the beloved children’s book by Eric Carle, which features a very hungry caterpillar who eats his way through various foods, including an apple.

Speaking of apples, have you heard the one about the tooty fruity apple? It goes like this: “What do you call an apple that plays the trumpet? A tooty fruity!” This joke is sure to get a chuckle out of anyone who loves wordplay.

But let’s not forget about the practical jokes. If you’re taking the bus in the Big Apple, you might want to try this one out: “Why did the apple pay for the bus fare? Because it didn’t want to core walk!” It’s a silly joke, but it might make someone’s day a little brighter.

If you’re feeling regal, you might want to visit the King’s Castle in the Bronx. While you’re there, you can tell this apple joke: “Why did the apple go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well!” It’s a classic joke that’s sure to make everyone laugh.

And of course, we can’t forget about the Yellow Delicious apple. This apple is known for its sweet and juicy flavour, and it’s perfect for making apple pies. But did you know it’s also the subject of a joke? “What do you get when you cross a Yellow Delicious apple with a Red Delicious apple? A Golden Delicious apple!” It’s a clever joke that’s sure to impress your friends.

In conclusion, the Big Apple is the perfect place to enjoy some apple jokes. Whether you’re visiting the Hungry Caterpillar sculpture, taking the bus, or visiting the King’s Castle, you’re sure to find plenty of opportunities to tell some funny jokes. So go ahead, take a bite out of the Big Apple and enjoy some apple humour!

Apple Jokes in Popular Culture

Apples are not only a popular fruit, but they have also found their way into popular culture in various forms, including movies, TV shows, and books. Here are some examples of apple jokes in popular culture:

  • In the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl,” Captain Barbossa famously said, “Why is the rum always gone?” But in a deleted scene, he also said, “Why is the apple always gone?” referring to the cursed apples that turned his crew into undead pirates.

  • In the children’s TV show “Bob the Builder,” there is a character named Applejack who is a farmer and grows apples. One of her catchphrases is, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”

  • In the classic Winnie the Pooh stories, the character of Tigger once said, “I’m so hungry, I could eat an apple!” to which Pooh replied, “I thought you liked honey better.” Tigger then said, “I do, but I haven’t got any honey, so I’ll have an apple instead.”

  • In the popular restaurant chain Applebee’s, there are no apple jokes per se, but they do have several menu items that feature apples, such as their Grilled Chicken Salad with Green Goddess Dressing and their Cinnamon Apple Crisp dessert.

  • In the Star Wars franchise, the villain Darth Vader famously said, “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” But in a parody video, he also said, “I find your lack of apples disturbing,” while holding an apple in his hand.

  • In the classic Christmas song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” the gift for the second day is “Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.” But in a humorous version of the song, the gift for the second day is “Two Apple Pies and a Christmas Tree.”

  • In the world of desserts, apple pie is a classic favourite. But did you know that there is a joke about apple pie that goes, “Why did the apple pie cry? Because its peelings were hurt!”

  • In the world of transportation, the train engine is an important part of the railway system. But did you know that there is a joke about train engines that goes, “Why did the train stop at the apple orchard? To get a little engineer!”

  • In the world of sports, climbing is a popular activity. But did you know that there is a joke about climbing that goes, “Why did the apple climb the tree? To get away from the worms!”

  • In the world of deserts, the Sahara is one of the most famous. But did you know that there is a joke about deserts that goes, “Why did the apple go to the desert? To get a little sand in its core!”

  • In the world of relatives, there are many different types of family members. But did you know that there is a joke about relatives that goes, “Why did the apple call its aunt? To get the core-spondence!”

  • In the world of circuses, clowns are a popular attraction. But did you know that there is a joke about clowns that goes, “Why did the clown juggle three apples? Because he couldn’t juggle four!”

  • In the world of contests, there are many different types of competitions. But did you know that there is a joke about contests that goes, “Why did the apple win the beauty contest? Because it was the apple of the judges’ eye!”

As you can see, apples have made their way into popular culture in many different ways. Whether in movies, TV shows, or jokes, apples are a versatile fruit that can be both delicious and entertaining.

The Funniest Apple Puns

Are you ready for a good laugh? Look no further than these hilarious apple puns! From dad jokes to clever one-liners, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Why did the apple go on a diet? Because it wanted to be a little cider!

What did the apple say to the pie? “You’ve got some crust!”

How do you make an apple turnover? Push it down a hill!

What do you call an apple that’s been bitten by a vampire? A fruit bat!

These are just a few examples of the many apple puns out there. Whether you’re looking to impress your friends with your wit or just need a good laugh, these puns are sure to brighten up your day.

But apple puns aren’t just funny – they can also be educational. Did you know that the skin of an apple contains more nutrients than the flesh? So next time you’re peeling an apple, think twice before throwing away those peels!

And speaking of peels, did you hear about the apple that got arrested? It was charged with “peeling out”!

But let’s not forget about the importance of a good pie. After all, as the saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a good pie brings everyone together.” So why not whip up a delicious apple pie and share it with your loved ones?

Of course, with all the talk of apple pies and cider, we can’t ignore the looming threat of the apple-colypse. But don’t worry – as long as we have a good sense of humour and a love for all things apple, we’ll be just fine.

So go ahead and share these apple puns with your friends and family. Who knows – they might just be the apple-ause they need to brighten up their day!


In conclusion, we’ve learned that apples are not only nutritious but also a great source of humor. From apple jokes about worms to musical apples, there are plenty of funny jokes that will make you laugh out loud.

We’ve discovered that finding half a worm in your apple after taking a bite is worse than finding a whole worm. We’ve also learned that apples can be crossed with shellfish to create a unique hybrid fruit.

We’ve explored the different parts of an apple, including the skin and the butter, and how they can be used to create hilarious puns and jokes.

We’ve even met a gym instructor who loves apples and a musical apple that can play a tune. And let’s not forget about the apple’s favourite restaurant, Applebee’s.

Overall, it’s clear that there is no shortage of apple jokes out there. Whether you’re looking to entertain your friends or just need a good laugh, these jokes are sure to do the trick. So next time you bite into an apple, remember that it’s not just a fruit, it’s also a source of humor.

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