100+ Hilarious Battery Jokes That Will Energise Your Day

Are you ready to have a good laugh? We have compiled a list of over 100 battery jokes that are sure to charge you up with laughter! From one-liners to puns, these jokes cover everything …

Are you ready to have a good laugh? We have compiled a list of over 100 battery jokes that are sure to charge you up with laughter! From one-liners to puns, these jokes cover everything from the life of a battery to the types of batteries available.

Did you know that a battery has a positive side and a negative side, just like a politician? Well, that’s just one of the many jokes you’ll find in our list. Whether you’re an engineer, a scientist, or just someone who loves a good laugh, these battery jokes are free of charge and guaranteed to make you smile.

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to enjoy some electrifying humor. Here are some of our favorite battery jokes to get you started:

Punny Battery Jokes

Are you looking for a way to recharge your sense of humour? Look no further than these battery puns! From light-hearted jokes to quirky one-liners, we’ve got you covered with over 100 funny battery jokes.

Light-Hearted Battery Puns

Let’s start with some light-hearted battery puns that are sure to make you smile.

  • Why did the battery go to jail? It charged with assault.
  • What do you call a battery that sings? A power chord.
  • Why did the battery break up with the flashlight? It was too draining.
  • Why did the battery cross the road? To get to the other side of the circuit.
  • What do you call a battery that doesn’t work? A has-been.

Battery Puns with a Charge

If you’re looking for battery puns with a bit more energy, check out these jokes:

  • What did the battery say when it was reunited with its charger? “I’m positively charged!”
  • What do you call a battery that’s always on the go? A mobile cell.
  • Why did the battery refuse to work? It was negative.
  • What do you call a battery that’s always in a hurry? A Duracell.
  • Why did the battery break up with the power tool? It couldn’t handle the voltage.

Quirky Battery One Liners

Finally, let’s wrap up with some quirky battery one-liners that are sure to make you chuckle:

  • Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.
  • Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open.
  • Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired.
  • Why was the belt sent to jail? For holding up the pants.

Whether you’re looking for a quick laugh or a way to brighten someone’s day, these battery puns are sure to do the trick. So go ahead, share them with your friends and family and let the good times roll!

Battery Jokes for Kids

Are you looking for some funny jokes to share with your kids? Look no further than these battery jokes! These jokes are perfect for kids of all ages, and they’re sure to get a laugh out of everyone.

What did the robot say to the battery?

“I love you with all my circuits!”

Why did the cat put batteries in the freezer?

She wanted to have cold, charged batteries for her mouse!

What did the child say when he saw the battery?

“Wow, that’s a powerful little thing!”

How do you make a battery-powered cookie?

You put it in the oven and bake it with a lot of energy!

These jokes are just a few examples of the many battery jokes that kids will love. Whether you’re looking for a joke to tell at a family gathering or you just want to make your kids laugh, these battery jokes are sure to do the trick.

But why do kids love battery jokes so much? Maybe it’s because batteries are such a ubiquitous part of our lives, powering everything from toys to remote controls to smartphones. Or maybe it’s because batteries are so small and unassuming, yet they pack a powerful punch.

Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure: these battery jokes are a great way to get kids laughing and learning at the same time. So the next time you need a good joke to tell your kids, remember these battery jokes and watch as they light up with laughter!

Battery Life Jokes

We all know that feeling when our phone battery is running low, and we start to panic. Will it last until we get home? Can we make it through the day without it dying? It’s a struggle we can all relate to, and that’s why battery life jokes are so funny. Here are some of our favourites:

  • Why did the dead battery go to therapy? To recharge its life.
  • My phone battery is like a teenager – it never has any power.
  • I’m not addicted to my phone, I just need it for the battery life support.
  • Why did the battery get a ticket? It was parked in a no-power zone.
  • My phone battery is like a politician – it promises a lot, but never delivers.

We’ve all been there, draining our battery by scrolling through social media or playing games. It’s like we’re addicted to our devices, and we can’t put them down. But sometimes, we need to take a break and let our batteries recharge.

It’s not just our phones that have batteries, though. Everything from our cars to our remote controls relies on power cells to function. And when those batteries start to die, it can be pretty frustrating. We’ve all tried to revive a depleted battery by blowing on it or shaking it, but it never seems to work.

But hey, at least we can laugh about it. Battery life jokes remind us not to take ourselves too seriously and that sometimes, we just need to let things go. After all, a dead battery isn’t the end of the world – it’s just an opportunity to find a new power source.

So the next time you’re draining your battery or struggling to revive a dead one, remember these jokes and take a moment to laugh. It might just give you the energy boost you need to power through the day.

Car and Vehicle Battery Jokes

If you’re looking for some funny battery jokes that are specifically related to cars and vehicles, then you’re in luck! We’ve got a great collection of jokes that will have you laughing until your battery runs out.

Batman and the Batmobile

Let’s start with a classic. Batman and Robin are in the Batcave, trying to get the Batmobile started. Batman has tried everything, but the car just won’t start. Finally, he turns to Robin and asks, “Is the tank empty?” Robin replies, “I just filled it up.” Batman then asks, “Is the battery dead?” Robin responds, “No, the battery is fine.” Batman then says, “Well, then it must be the starter.” Robin looks at him and says, “Don’t you think we should just check the ignition first?”

Car Battery Puns

If you’re looking for some puns about car batteries, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Why did the car battery go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t feeling charged.
  • How does a car battery get charged? It goes to a power outlet and plugs itself in.
  • What do you call a car battery that’s always singing? An alto battery.

Electric Car Jokes

Electric cars are becoming more and more popular, so it’s only fitting that we include some jokes about them. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Why did the electric car break up with its girlfriend? She was always giving it static.
  • What do you call an electric car that can’t go anywhere? A shock absorber.
  • How many electricians does it take to change an electric car battery? None, because electricians don’t change batteries, they just flip the switch.

Car Battery One-Liners

If you’re looking for some quick and funny jokes about car batteries, here are a few one-liners that are sure to make you smile:

  • Why did the car battery refuse to go to the gym? It was already fully charged.
  • What do you call a car battery that’s always negative? A pessimistic battery.
  • How does a car battery stay cool? It uses its terminals.

So there you have it, some of the best car and vehicle battery jokes around. Whether you’re a car enthusiast or just looking for a good laugh, these jokes are sure to brighten your day.

Battery Crime Jokes

Batteries may seem harmless, but in the world of jokes, they can be quite dangerous! Here are some battery crime jokes that will make you laugh and shake your head at the same time.

Charged with Battery

Have you heard about the Energizer Bunny? He was arrested and charged with battery! It turns out that he was going around town, assaulting people with his drum and his never-ending energy. The police finally caught up with him and threw him in jail. Now, he’s doing hard time, and his batteries are slowly running out.

Salt and Battery

Did you hear about the guy who got arrested for throwing a battery at someone? He was charged with salt and battery! It’s a good thing he didn’t have any pepper on him, or things could have gotten really spicy.

Murder by Battery

Did you hear about the guy who died from a falling battery? It was charged with murder! The battery had been sitting on a shelf for years, slowly building up its energy, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. When the man walked by, it leaped off the shelf and hit him right on the head. The police investigated the crime scene and found the battery still vibrating with energy.

Jail Time

What do you call a battery that’s been arrested? A cell! Batteries can end up in jail for all sorts of reasons, from assault to theft. But no matter what the charge, they all end up in the same place: a tiny cell with no outlet.

Police Officer Jokes

Why did the police officer arrest the battery? Because it was resisting a rest! Police officers have to deal with all sorts of criminals, from robbers to murderers. But sometimes, they have to deal with the silliest criminals of all: batteries.

In conclusion, batteries may seem harmless, but they can be quite dangerous in the world of jokes. From salt and battery to murder by battery, these jokes will make you laugh and shake your head at the same time. So, the next time you see a battery, be careful, it might just be a criminal in disguise!

Technology Battery Jokes

Are you a tech junkie who can’t get enough of the latest gadgets? Then you’ll love these technology battery jokes that will keep you laughing all day long.

iPhone Battery Woes

We’ve all been there – your iPhone battery is running low and you’re desperately searching for a charger. But what do you do when you can’t find one? Here are a few iPhone battery jokes to lighten the mood:

  • Why did the iPhone go to the doctor? Because it had a low battery!
  • Why did the iPhone break up with the outlet? It was tired of being used.
  • Why did the iPhone go to the hardware store? To get a charger!

Apple Juice

Did you know that apple juice can be used to charge a battery? It’s true! The acid in the juice can help generate electricity. Here are a few apple juice battery jokes to get you laughing:

  • Why did the battery drink apple juice? To get a little extra charge!
  • Why did the apple juice go to the outlet? To get a little extra juice!

9V Battery

The 9V battery is a staple in many households, but did you know it’s also the most hated battery? Here are a few 9V battery jokes to make you smile:

  • Why was the 9V battery thrown out of church? Because it was holding an AA meeting!
  • How do you know when a 9V battery is dead? When it’s down to its last volt!
  • Why did the 9V battery break up with the light bulb? It was tired of being used!

Hardware Store

If you’re ever in need of a new battery, the hardware store is the place to go. Here are a few hardware store battery jokes to get you giggling:

  • Why did the battery go to the hardware store? To get a little extra power!
  • Why did the battery break up with the hardware store? It was tired of being used.
  • Why did the battery get kicked out of the hardware store? It was charged with battery!

Light Bulb

Did you know that light bulbs and batteries have a lot in common? They both generate electricity! Here are a few light bulb battery jokes to brighten your day:

  • Why did the battery go to the light bulb? To get a little extra power!
  • How many batteries does it take to light up a light bulb? None, it’s already lit!
  • Why did the battery break up with the light bulb? It was tired of being used.


The outlet is where all the magic happens – it’s where you plug in your charger and watch your battery come back to life. Here are a few outlet battery jokes to make you chuckle:

  • Why did the battery go to the outlet? To get a little extra juice!
  • Why did the battery break up with the outlet? It was tired of being used.
  • Why did the battery get kicked out of the outlet? It was charged with battery!

So there you have it – a few technology battery jokes to keep you laughing all day long. Whether you’re an iPhone addict or a hardware store junkie, these jokes are sure to put a smile on your face.

Battery Jokes Involving Drinks

Are you ready for some battery humor involving drinks? Here are some hilarious battery jokes that will quench your thirst for laughter.

  • What do you call a drunk battery? A pickled cell.
  • Why did the battery drink battery acid? To become a charged drink.
  • What do you get when you cross a battery with a drink? A power drink.
  • Why did the battery go to an AA meeting? To get recharged.
  • Why was the 9V battery thrown out of church? Because it was holding an AA meeting.

Did you know that battery acid is actually a mixture of sulfuric acid and water? It’s highly corrosive and can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with your skin. So, it’s not something you’d want to drink.

But, if you’re looking for a power drink that will give you a jolt of energy, you might want to try an energy drink instead. Just be careful not to overdo it, as some energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine and sugar.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for some battery humor involving drinks, these jokes are sure to give you a buzz. Whether you’re a fan of energy drinks or prefer something a little stronger, these jokes are the perfect way to add some humor to your day.

Battery Jokes with Famous Characters

Battery jokes have been around for a long time and they never seem to get old. From puns to one-liners, there’s always a new way to make a joke about batteries. Some of the funniest battery jokes involve famous characters like Batman, Robin, the Energizer Bunny, and Doc from Back to the Future.

Batman and Robin are a classic duo when it comes to battery jokes. In one joke, Batman is trying to start the Batmobile but it won’t start. Robin asks if the tank is empty and Batman replies that he just filled it. Robin then suggests that maybe the battery is dead, to which Batman replies, “Holy rechargeable batteries, Robin! You’re right!”

The Energizer Bunny is another popular character in battery jokes. In one joke, the Energizer Bunny is arrested and charged with battery. In another, the Energizer Bunny is asked how he keeps going and he replies, “I eat Energizer batteries for breakfast.”

Doc from Back to the Future is also a popular character in battery jokes. In one joke, Doc is asked why he uses a flux capacitor to time travel instead of a battery. He replies, “Because the battery wouldn’t have enough juice to get us where we need to go!”

Battery jokes with famous characters are a great way to add some humor to your day. Whether you’re a fan of Batman, the Energizer Bunny, or Doc from Back to the Future, there’s a battery joke out there for you. So the next time you need a laugh, remember these classic battery jokes and share them with your friends.

Here are some additional battery jokes involving famous characters:

  • Why did Batman refuse to recharge his phone? He didn’t want to give away his secret identity.
  • Why did Robin throw away the AA batteries? Because they were holding an AA meeting.
  • Why did the Energizer Bunny go to jail? He was charged with battery.
  • Why did Doc Brown use a flux capacitor instead of a battery? Because he needed 1.21 gigawatts of power!
  • Why did the battery go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little run down.

Miscellaneous Battery Jokes

Are you ready for some more battery jokes? Here are some miscellaneous battery jokes that are sure to make you laugh!

  • Why did the AAA battery cross the road? To get to the other positive side!
  • Why did the calendar app need a new battery? It had too many dates!
  • What did the battery say when it got charged? “Ohm, that feels good!”
  • Why did the potato chip need a battery? So it could be a salt and battery!
  • Why did the battery go to court? It was charged with assault and battery!
  • Why did the battery refuse to go on a crime spree? It didn’t want to be charged with anything!
  • Why did the battery break up with the flashlight? It needed some downtime!
  • Why did the battery go to the doctor? It had lumps on its negative side!
  • Why did the battery celebrate its anniversary? It had been charged for a whole year!
  • Why did the battery feel no charge? It was patient and waiting for the right moment!

Did you know that Duracell’s slogan is “Trusted Everywhere”? That’s because Duracell batteries are some of the most reliable batteries out there. They’re made with high-quality materials and are designed to last a long time. In fact, Duracell batteries are so good that they’re often used in carbon monoxide detectors and hearing aids.

Lithium-ion batteries are another popular type of battery. They’re used in everything from smartphones to electric cars. These batteries are lightweight and have a high energy density, which means they can store a lot of energy in a small space. However, they can be dangerous if they’re not handled properly. If a lithium-ion battery is damaged or overheats, it can catch fire or explode.

Did you know that the first battery was invented in 1800 by Alessandro Volta? He created a device called the “voltaic pile” that used alternating layers of zinc and copper to generate an electric current. This invention paved the way for modern batteries, which are used in everything from fireworks to colanders.

So there you have it, some miscellaneous battery jokes and interesting facts about batteries. Keep these jokes in your back pocket the next time you need a laugh!

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