Sharpen Your Wit with 100+ Funny Pencil Jokes

Are you in need of a good laugh? Look no further than this collection of 100+ funny pencil jokes! Whether you’re a student, artist or simply a lover of all things stationery, these jokes are …

Are you in need of a good laugh? Look no further than this collection of 100+ funny pencil jokes! Whether you’re a student, artist or simply a lover of all things stationery, these jokes are sure to make you chuckle.

From puns to one-liners, these jokes cover all aspects of the humble pencil. Did you hear the one about the pencil that went to the doctor? It had a bad case of lead poisoning! How about the pencil that got sharpened? “Man, I’m so pointy!” it exclaimed. These jokes may be silly, but they’re guaranteed to brighten your day.

But why are we so obsessed with pencils? Perhaps it’s their simplicity – a basic tool that can be used to create anything from a masterpiece to a simple shopping list. Or maybe it’s the memories they evoke of school days and childhood. Whatever the reason, there’s something undeniably charming about these little writing utensils. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these hilarious pencil jokes – we promise they won’t disappoint!

The Art of Pencil Jokes

Are you looking for a good laugh? Do you want to impress your friends with your wit and humour? Look no further than pencil jokes! These funny jokes are sure to make you laugh and brighten up your day.

Jokes are a form of humour that can come in many different forms, including puns, one-liners, knock-knock jokes, and more. But what makes a good joke? A good joke is one that is clever, unexpected, and most importantly, funny.

Pencil jokes are no exception to this rule. They are a great way to showcase your sense of humour and make people laugh. Whether you’re telling jokes to your friends or performing as a comedian, pencil jokes are sure to get a laugh.

Pencil jokes are also great for kids. They are simple, easy to understand, and can be a fun way to introduce children to the world of humour. Plus, they can be a great way to bond with your kids and share a laugh together.

So, what makes a good pencil joke? It’s all about the puns. Puns are a type of wordplay that use words with multiple meanings or similar sounds to create a humorous effect. For example, “Why did the pencil go to the doctor? It had a bad case of lead poisoning.”

Another key element of a good pencil joke is the unexpected twist. A good punchline should catch the listener off guard and make them laugh. For example, “Why did the pencil break up with the pen? It couldn’t erase its past mistakes.”

In addition to puns and unexpected twists, good pencil jokes often rely on exaggeration or absurdity. These elements can make the joke even funnier and more memorable. For example, “Why did the pencil decide to join the gym? It wanted to get well-toned graphite.”

In conclusion, pencil jokes are a great way to add some humour to your day. They are simple, easy to understand, and can be a fun way to bond with others. So, grab a pencil and start telling some jokes!

Pencil Jokes in School

If there is one place where pencils are an absolute must-have, it’s school. From taking notes to drawing diagrams, pencils are a staple in every student’s backpack. And what better way to lighten up the mood in class than with some hilarious pencil jokes? Here are some of the best pencil jokes to crack up your classmates and teachers:

Why did the student bring a ladder to school?

To reach the high notes!

Why did the teacher draw on the window?

To make a point!

Why did the pencil go to detention?

Because it was being too sharp!

What did the pencil say to the paper during a test?

“I dot my i’s on you!”

Why did the student bring a pencil to bed?

To draw the curtains!

What do you call a pencil that can sing?

A Pencil-Silvana!

As you can see, pencil puns are a great way to add some humour to your day. Whether it’s during a test or in the middle of a lecture, a good pencil joke can make everyone’s day a little brighter.

But pencils are not just for jokes. They are also essential for completing homework and taking tests. Did you know that the number “2” on a pencil refers to the hardness of the lead? It’s true! The number 2 pencil is the most common pencil used in schools because its lead is not too hard or too soft, making it perfect for everything from writing essays to filling in bubbles on a test.

In fact, the humble pencil has been a staple in schools for centuries. Before the invention of the pencil, students used quills and ink to write. Can you imagine having to dip your pen into ink every few seconds just to write a sentence? No wonder pencils are so popular!

So, the next time you reach for your trusty pencil, remember that it’s not just a writing instrument, it’s also a source of laughter and joy. And who knows, maybe your next pencil joke will be the one that gets everyone in class laughing.

Final Thoughts

Pencil jokes are a great way to lighten up the mood in school. Whether you’re a student or a teacher, a good pencil pun can make everyone’s day a little brighter. So, the next time you’re feeling bored or stressed, grab a pencil and crack a joke. Who knows, you might just make someone’s day!

Pencil and Stationery Humour

Looking for some hilarious pencil and stationery jokes to brighten up your day? Look no further! We’ve gathered over 100 of the funniest pencil jokes around to make you laugh till you drop your pen!

Have you ever heard of the pencil that couldn’t do its job? It was pointless! Or how about the pencil that went to school? It got sharp! These are just a few examples of the many pencil jokes out there that are sure to tickle your funny bone.

But it’s not just pencils that can bring the laughs. Stationery as a whole can be a treasure trove of humour. Take pens for example. Did you hear about the pen that was afraid to write? It had writer’s block! And what do you call a pen that can draw? A pencil!

But it’s not just the writing utensils that can be funny. Paper can also get in on the action. Did you hear about the piece of paper that went to the doctor? It was a little sheet! And what do you call a piece of paper that can fly? A plane sheet!

Of course, we can’t forget about the trusty pencil sharpener. Did you hear about the pencil sharpener that got arrested? It was charged with battery! And what do you call a pencil sharpener that can sing? A sharp note!

And let’s not forget about the eraser. Did you hear about the eraser that got a job at a bank? It was in charge of the rubber cheques! And what do you call an eraser that’s always happy? A joy eraser!

There’s no denying that stationery can be a source of endless amusement. Whether you’re at work or at home, these jokes are sure to put a smile on your face. So next time you’re feeling down, grab a pencil and get ready to laugh!

Funny Pencil Situations

Are you ready for some hilarious pencil situations? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of funny scenarios involving pencils that will have you laughing out loud.

Broken Pencil

What do you call a pencil that’s broken in half? Pointless!

Sharpening Pencils

Have you ever sharpened a pencil so much that it was as sharp as a needle? Well, be careful not to stab yourself with it!

Nap Time

What do pencils do during their nap time? They dream of becoming pens!

Party Time

Why did the pencil go to the party alone? Because it couldn’t find a good point!

Sketchy Situation

What do you call a pencil that’s not to be trusted? A sketchy pencil!

Vacation Plans

Where do pencils like to go on vacation? Pencil-vania, of course!

Good Point

Why did the pencil get an A+ on its exam? Because it made a good point!

Truth Hurts

What did the pencil say to the paper? “I’m sorry, I have to draw the line somewhere.”

Sick Pencil

What do you call a pencil that’s feeling under the weather? A pencil that needs to be lead to bed!

Flight to Catch

Why did the pencil miss its flight? It was too busy trying to get sharpened!

Teeth Trouble

Why did the pencil go to the dentist? It needed to get a good point!

Spelling Bee

What do you call a pencil that can’t spell? A pencil with a typo!

Extra Pencil

Why did the pencil need an extra eraser? Because it made a mistake!

Stolen Pencil

What do you do if someone steals your pencil? You use your pen-cil!

Quip Time

Why did the pencil make a quip? Because it had a sharp wit!

Pressure Situation

Why did the pencil feel under pressure? Because it was lead-ing the way!


Why did the pencil feel constipated? Because it couldn’t get the lead out!

Report Time

What do you call a pencil that’s good at writing reports? A report-pen-cil!

Hero Pencil

Why did the pencil become a superhero? Because it had a sharp mind!

Toilet Trouble

Why did the pencil go to the toilet? To get a good point!

NASA Mission

Why did the pencil go to space? To write out of this world stories!

Rectangle Pencil

Why did the pencil become a rectangle? To avoid rolling off the desk!

Blind Girl

Why did the blind girl use a pencil? So she could feel what she was writing!

Depressed Pencil

Why did the pencil feel depressed? Because it was always getting sharpened!

John Wick

Why did John Wick use a pencil as a weapon? Because it was a #2 pencil!


Why did the artist use a pencil? To draw out their creativity!


Why did the pirates use pencils? To draw their treasure maps!

Ice Cream

What do you call a pencil that’s always eating ice cream? A pencil with a sweet tooth!

Drink Time

Why did the pencil go to the bar? To get a sharp drink!

Duel Time

What do you call a pencil that’s always ready for a duel? A pencil with a sharp point!

Pig Pencil

Why did the pig use a pencil? To write pig-tures!

Marry a Pencil

Why did the girl marry a pencil? Because it had a good point!

Get ready to laugh with these funny pencil situations!

Mathematics and Pencil Jokes

Are you a fan of mathematics and pencils? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve compiled a list of funny pencil jokes that will have you laughing out loud. And if you’re a math enthusiast, we’ve got some math-related jokes that will tickle your funny bone.

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them. And what do you call an angle that’s gone to the beach? A tan-gent!

But let’s not forget about pencils. Why did the pencil go to the doctor? It had a bad case of lead poisoning! And what do you call a pencil that can draw and sing? A pencil-silvana!

Now, let’s combine math and pencils. How did the mathematician solve his constipation problem? He worked it out with a pencil! And what do you call a pencil that can do trigonometry? A math-pencil!

But wait, there’s more! Did you hear about the math teacher who’s afraid of negative numbers? She’ll stop at nothing to avoid them! And what do you call a number that can’t keep still? A roamin’ numeral!

In conclusion, whether you’re a fan of math or pencils, or both, we hope these jokes brought a smile to your face. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and these jokes are sure to cure any case of the blues.

International Pencil Jokes

Pencil jokes are not only popular in the United States but also in other countries. In fact, pencils are a universal tool that people use all over the world. Here are some international pencil jokes that will make you laugh.

Russian Pencil Jokes

Russians have a great sense of humor, and they love to make jokes about everything, including pencils. Here are some funny Russian pencil jokes:

  • Why did the Russian pencil stop writing? Because it was Stalin.
  • Why did the Russian pencil go to the gym? To get Putin shape.
  • What did the Russian pencil say to the eraser? You’re rubbing me the wrong way.

International Gun and Pencil Jokes

Guns and pencils are two very different things, but they have one thing in common: they can both be used to make a point. Here are some international gun and pencil jokes:

  • Why did the pencil get in a fight with the pen? Because it wanted to draw blood.
  • Why did the pencil go to the gun range? To sharpen its shooting skills.
  • What do you call a pencil that can shoot? A ballpoint gun.

Final Thoughts

Pencil jokes are a great way to lighten the mood and have some fun. They are universal and can be enjoyed by people from all over the world. Whether you prefer Russian pencil jokes or gun and pencil jokes, there is something for everyone. So, the next time you’re feeling down, grab a pencil and tell a joke. Who knows, you might just make someone’s day.

Pencils in Literature

Pencils have been a staple in literature for centuries, appearing in various forms of writing ranging from poetry to plays. In fact, William Shakespeare himself referenced the pencil in his famous play, Hamlet. In Act 2, Scene 2, Hamlet says, “Words, words, words,” before Polonius enters and asks him what he is reading. Hamlet responds by saying, “Slanders, sir; for the satirical rogue says here that old men have grey beards, that their faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum, and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams. All which, sir, though I most powerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down; for you yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab you could go backward.”

Aside from Shakespeare, pencils have also made appearances in other literary works. In the children’s book Harold and the Purple Crayon, the main character uses a purple crayon to create his own world, but he also carries a pencil with him in case he needs to make any changes. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the character Scout draws pictures with a pencil and paper to pass the time.

Pencils have also been the subject of poetry. In the poem “Pencil Poem” by Ted Hughes, he describes the pencil as “a small, naked animal” and “a wand of light.” The poem goes on to describe the pencil’s power to create and destroy, saying “It can draw a world / And erase it.”

Overall, pencils have played a significant role in literature, serving as tools of creation and expression for writers and characters alike. From Shakespeare to children’s books, pencils have left their mark on the literary world, and their influence continues to be felt today.

Cows and Pencil Jokes

If you’re looking for a good laugh, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a list of 100+ funny pencil jokes that are sure to make you chuckle. But what do cows have to do with pencil jokes? Well, nothing really, but we thought we’d throw in some cow jokes for good measure.

Did you hear about the cow that became an astronaut? She wanted to see the moooon! Okay, that one was a bit cheesy, but we promise the rest are udderly hilarious. Here are some more cow jokes:

  • What do you call a cow that plays an instrument? A moosician!
  • Why did the cow go to outer space? To see the udder side of the moon!
  • How do you know if a cow is happy? She produces lots of milk!

Now, back to the pencil jokes. Did you hear about the pencil that went to school? It got sharp! Okay, okay, we’ll stop with the bad jokes. Here are some better ones:

  • Why did the pencil decide to break up with the eraser? It was rubbing him the wrong way.
  • What did the pencil say to the paper? I dot my i’s on you!
  • Why did the pencil decide to join a gym? To get more lead in his pencil!

We hope these jokes have brightened up your day and given you a good laugh. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so keep these jokes handy for the next time you need a pick-me-up.

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